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Sketch Signatures

New for the summer/fall of 2016, I developed Sketch Signatures.  I will probably use them for Chicago Bears, and maybe Chicago Blackhawks, but we'll see.  The idea behind these cards was to try an action that I stumbled on which turns a picture into a pencil drawing.  It takes a little tweaking, but it turns out pretty cool.  Then, I use the original photo on the back with the bio.

Anthony Thomas

First return from the new Sketch SIgnatures set was a little bit of a longshot, but love the return from the 2001 AP Offensive Rookie of the Year, Anthony Thomas.  A-Train returned 4/4 customs in 8 days via his home.

Bob Grim

Had one year in Chicago with the Bears, very generous signer.  Returned 4/4 customs in 20 days via his home.

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